What the heck is Termageddon?

If you’ve found this page, you probably got a bill from Termageddon/billing and are wondering what we do. Many of our customers opt for annual billing, so the occasional reminder can be helpful.

This video sums us up nicely:

Some Frequently Asked Questions

Termageddon is a website policies generator. We provide Privacy Policies, Terms and Conditions, Disclaimers, and Cookie Consent Solutions to help protect websites from current and upcoming privacy laws.

Privacy laws are always changing and new laws go into effect each year. What makes Termageddon special is that we monitor these laws and automatically update our customers’ policies before these laws go into effect. It’s the ultimate set it and forget it solution for website owners.

Three new privacy laws are going into effect in 2024 with another five going into effect in 2025.

You can access your account by going to app.termageddon.com.

If you have any questions about your bill, you can contact us, or you can cancel your subscription at any time.