Privacy Policy Generator

A worry free Privacy Policy generator for your online business, website, or app.

A Privacy Policy For Your Website’s Unique Needs.

When it comes to Privacy Policies, there is no one-size fits all template that can actually protect you and your business from fines and lawsuits.

Founded by a licensed privacy attorney, Termageddon is the only Privacy Policy Generator that helps you identify your compliance needs and builds a policy based on your individual requirements.

Answer a few questions via our Privacy Policy Generator, and we’ll help you determine which privacy laws (if any) you need to comply with.

We cover GDPR, CPRA (CCPA), CalOPPA, PIPEDA, Quebec Law 25, DOPPA, VCDPA, Connecticut SB6, Utah Consumer Privacy Act, Colorado Privacy Act, Nevada Revised Statutes Chapter 603A, TDPSA, Oregon Consumer Privacy Act, Iowa SF262, Delaware Personal Data Privacy Act, New Hampshire SB255, Nebraska LB1074, NJ SB332, and Australia Privacy Act of 1988. We’re also monitoring eight new privacy laws going into effect in 2024 and 2025.

Modern Websites & Apps Require a Privacy Policy

Do all websites need a Privacy Policy? If it collects the following personal data, then yes, it needs a Privacy Policy with certain disclosures.

Contact Forms


Video Embeds


Email Signups


A Custom Privacy Policy for Your Website

Websites & Blogs


Mobile Applications

Desktop Applications

Facebook Applications

SaaS Applications

A Complete Privacy Policy in 3 Simple Steps

Getting your website protected with Termageddon’s Privacy Policy Generator is simple!

1. Buy a License

Buy one license, which includes a set of policies to protect one website.

2. Answer Questions

Answer some questions on our Privacy Policy Generator about your business and website.

3. Copy & Paste

Copy and paste the embed code into the body of the policy page. Policies can be updated automatically (as laws change) via this embed code.

Your strategic advantage to helping keep your website compliant

Using our Privacy Policy Generator will not only create a Privacy Policy for your website now, but we’ll also auto-update your policies whenever privacy laws change or new laws go into effect. Our Privacy Policy Generator is the only set it and forget it solution for website owners.

We’ll help identify applicable privacy laws

Our Privacy Policy Generator will help you determine what privacy laws apply to you and will build a Privacy Policy that contains the disclosures needed for laws like GDPR, CPRA, UK DPA, and all the other privacy laws Termageddon covers.

Automatic updates & alerts

When new privacy laws are passed or when existing privacy laws change, we will keep your Privacy Policy up to date with newly required disclosures and will notify you when updates are needed.

Compliance with major privacy laws

We’re monitoring laws across the globe to help you stay compliant with regulations like:

  • Australia Privacy Act of 1988
  • California Online Privacy Protection Act (CalOPPA)
  • California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA/Previously CCPA)
  • Delaware Online Privacy and Protection Act (DOPPA)
  • EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
  • Nevada Revised Statutes Chapter 603(A)
  • Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA)
  • United Kingdom Data Protection Act 2018 (UK DPA)
  • Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act (VCDPA)
  • Colorado Privacy Act
  • Quebec Law 25
  • Utah Consumer Privacy Act
  • Connecticut SB6
  • Texas Data Privacy and Security Act (TDPSA)
  • Oregon Consumer Privacy Act
  • Montana (MCDPA)
  • Iowa SF262
  • Delaware Personal Data Privacy Act
  • New Hampshire SB255
  • Nebraska LB1074
  • NJ SB 332

A strategy for upcoming laws & regulations

Termageddon is currently monitoring 30+ privacy bills in the US, UK, Canada, & Australia and any proposed changes to existing privacy laws in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, European Union and Australia, including:

  • Indiana SB5 (effective July 1, 2026)
  • Tennessee HB1181 (effective July 1, 2025)
  • Kentucky HB15 (effective January 1, 2026)
  • Maryland MD SB541 (effective October 1, 2025)
  • Minnesota Consumer Data Privacy Act (effective July 31, 2025)
  • Rhode Island Data Transparency and Privacy Protection Act (effective January 1, 2026)

Tens of thousands of happy customers.

Trusted as the best Privacy Policy Generator for digital agencies, web designers, law firms, website owners across the globe!

“I recommend Termageddon to my Customers and legal colleagues, because they are the only Terms of Use, Privacy, and Cookie Consent generator I know that not only maintains up-to-date EU & UK GDPR, Canada, Australia (international) policies, but U.S., state specific changes which are numerous and changing on almost a daily basis.”

Rian Kinney

Privacy & Tech Attorney

Free Privacy Policy Generator user

“My partnership with Termageddon has been a great experience for both myself and my clients. As a web designer, I’m excited to now have a trusted and efficient Privacy Policy Generator to refer my clients to for their policies. Hans and Donata are knowledgeable and provide amazing customer service. Highly recommended!” 

Kayla Francis

The Kayflower Collective

Free Privacy Policy Generator user

“Termageddon is my GO-TO privacy policy generator that I recommend to ALL of my clients! For $119, you can’t beat the peace of mind and security knowing you are protected now and whenever the law changes. It’s a No Brainer!”

Charra Hammett

Owner, YourSiteNeedsMe

Free Privacy Policy Generator user

“There are very few vendors I can recommend without hesitation — and Termageddon is at the top of that list. When it comes to policies, I don’t want to have to think about it… and with Termageddon’s Privacy Policy Generator, I don’t have to! On behalf of our 5,000+ member community; Thank you!” 

Kyle Van Deusen

The Admin Bar

Free Privacy Policy Generator user

One license, all the website policies you need!

For just $12 per month (or $119 per year) your license gives you access to all of our tools, generators, and policies!

Privacy Policy Generator

How you collect, use, and disclose personally information and data.

Terms & Conditions Generator

A statement that details the rules of using your website.

Cookie Policy Generator

A Cookie Policy explains the types of cookies you use on your website.

Cookie Consent Solution

Properly collect consent from a user prior to putting cookies on their browser.

End User License Agreement Generator

Agreement between a software vendor and a user of that software.

Disclaimer Generator

Limits the liabilities that a website owner may be responsible for.

Frequently Asked Questions

A Privacy Policy is a statement published on a website or application that explains how you collect, use, and disclose personal information (name, email, phone number, IP address, etc.), as well as your privacy practices. A Privacy Policy needs to contain the exact disclosures required by the privacy laws that apply to a business.

If you have a website that collects personal information from customers (emails, names, phone numbers, IP addresses, etc.), you may be legally required to have a Privacy Policy by multiple privacy laws – even if you’re a small business or blog. Many modern website features collect personal information such as contact us forms, eCommerce forms, newsletter subscriptions, analytics tools, and advertising tools.

The two best ways to ensure you get a Privacy Policy tailored to your website are to hire a privacy attorney or use a Privacy Policy generator. While a Privacy Attorney is typically best, it can be expensive. Privacy Policy generators are an excellent, more affordable alternative.

A Privacy Policy Generator first helps determine what privacy laws apply to you and then asks you questions about your privacy and business practices (what PII you collect, use, and disclose) to generate your Privacy Policy. The best Privacy Policy Generators will also alert you when changes to existing privacy laws occur as well as when new privacy laws go into effect that require new disclosures and will update your policies accordingly.

Not all Privacy Policy Generators are created equal. Some generators aren’t even compliant with a single privacy law. It’s important for a website owner to look for a Privacy Policy Generator that has a privacy attorney on staff, updates policies automatically, asks personalized questions about the business to figure out what privacy laws apply, has available customer service, and is up-front about its pricing.

Yes and no. It’s best to think of free privacy policy generators more as templates for you to later edit for your specific needs. There are very few, if any, free privacy policy generators capable of creating a Privacy Policy that’s compliant with all the privacy laws that apply to your website. Most free Privacy Policy Generators will upcharge you as you move throughout the generation process, so be careful.

It depends. Since each privacy law has its own set of Privacy Policy disclosure requirements, you must first determine what privacy laws apply to you. Once you have determined the privacy laws that apply to you, you can then include the disclosures required by those privacy laws in your Privacy Policy. That’s why a good Privacy Policy generator should first help you determine which laws apply to you before creating disclosures.

No. A Privacy Policy template is a static document that is not customized to what your business needs and it doesn’t take into account your specific business and privacy practices. Plus, they do not automatically update when laws change, which could leave a website out of compliance and at risk of privacy-related fines.

If your website has a contact form, an email newsletter signup form, or collects Personally Identifiable Information (PII) from visitors in other ways, the following laws may require you to have a Privacy Policy: CalOPPA, CPRA, GDPR, UK DPA, DOPPA, PIPEDA, VCDPA, Colorado Privacy Act, Australia Privacy Act of 1988, and more.

There are many privacy laws that require websites to have a Privacy Policy. If any of these apply to your website, then yes, you could be fined. These penalties start from $2,500 per violation.

While some privacy laws do exempt small businesses from compliance requirements, many privacy laws (CalOPPA, GDPR, UK DPA, PIPEDA, etc.) can apply to businesses regardless of their revenue amount or amount of personal information they collect. It is important to also note that privacy laws can apply to small businesses even if they are not located in the state or country that passed the privacy law.

Yes. New privacy laws are passed every year and current laws often change their requirements. It’s up to website owners to update their Privacy Policy as these changes occur, or use a Termageddon’s Privacy Policy Generator that will automatically update their website policies for them.

Protect Your Website with Auto-Updating Privacy Policies created by a trusted Privacy Policy Generator.

Help protect your business from privacy-related fines and lawsuits. Demonstrate your respect for your website visitors’ privacy. Our Privacy Policy Generator will help you do all this in as little as 15 minutes.