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How we update your policies: part 1
I was probably the most annoying kid on the planet – literally always asking “why” and “how”. To the general dismay of everyone around me, I wanted to know how everything worked, …
California proposes update to the breach notification law
Ah California – the land of dreams where the sun is shining and your privacy is respected. Less than a month ago, California’s legislature proposed a new bill (Assembly Bill 1130) that …
Massachusetts proposes a new data privacy law
Did you know that in our dear Commonwealth of Massachusetts it is illegal to scare a pigeon and that roosters are not allowed in bakeries? Always the lawyer, I ask: but what …
California’s new IoT law
Ah, the Internet of Things – where some random dude could get access to your child’s vitals, know who is coming into and out of your house and know how you like …
Data Inventory: why you may need one
“Inventory” is one of those words that just make most people want to take a nap. Don’t worry though, at least this isn’t one of those blog posts telling you to write …
California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) compliance guide
UPDATE: Since the original writing of this blog, the CCPA was amended by the California Rights Act of 2020. You can read our CPRA compliance guide here. The California state legislature is …
Who needs a Data Protection Officer under GDPR
The GDPR: General Data Protection Regulation is a privacy law that protects the personal data of residents of the European Union. The law achieves this goal by requiring certain websites to have …
Proper display of your Privacy Policy
This guy knows how to make a good impression. In fact, we think that making a good impression at a birth should be the law. Alas, it is not. However, there is …
How to embed a Privacy Policy onto a WordPress website
Here’s a quick “how to embed a privacy policy onto a wordpress website” video: My puppy barked at the end of the video. For those of you who are interested, she’s a …
Should you become a Termageddon Agency Partner?
Yes, yes you should join our Agency Partner program. Still here? Alright, fine. Here are some reasons why: 4 Reasons to join our Agency Partner program: Being a web development agency is …
Terms and Conditions vs. Terms of Service
If you’ve ever dealt with a lawyer (sorry), you know that we love our legal jargon. It makes us feel special. And the more jargon we use, the more special we feel. …
Google loses ‘right to be forgotten’ lawsuit
For one businessman, articles listed on Google about his criminal conviction were cramping his style. While the articles were true in their nature and were not defamatory, the businessman (unnamed) decided to …