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Top 5 resources for building ADA compliant websites
Designing and building websites that are easy to use, easy to understand and helpful to every visitor is something that every web professional strives for. We’ve never heard of anyone selling web …
US Federal Privacy Bill Tracker
Last updated: June 27, 2022 Quite a few activists, legislators, lawyers, and other professionals do not agree with the current state of privacy laws in the U.S., namely the fact that states …
Set up your Privacy Policy
In this video, we help you set up your Privacy Policy by going through the questionnaire with you!
How to create your first license
If you have questions on how to create your first install, answer the global questions or set up your first policy, this video is for you!
What laws require websites to have a Privacy Policy?
Unless you are at Target, you want to make sure that you actually need what you are buying. As much as we’d like to sell our services to every website out there, …
Maine Privacy Law Guide
The Maine privacy law (LD 946), an act to protect the privacy of online consumer information, requires Internet service providers to obtain consent before being allowed to use, disclose or provide access …
Nevada Revised Statutes Chapter 603A Compliance guide
When it comes to determining what laws require websites to have a Privacy Policy, most people are surprised to learn that Nevada has a privacy law that governs the collection of Personally …
Should you consolidate all policies onto one page?
We recently sent out a survey asking for the opinion of website developers, designers and marketers on privacy and all of the new laws and obligations that are being imposed. We asked …
Why using someone else’s Privacy Policy is a bad idea
Copying homework and changing it up a bit so that it doesn’t look the exact same is a practice we all tried in high school. Didn’t do your English homework because you …
How we update your policies: part 1
I was probably the most annoying kid on the planet – literally always asking “why” and “how”. To the general dismay of everyone around me, I wanted to know how everything worked, …
California proposes update to the breach notification law
Ah California – the land of dreams where the sun is shining and your privacy is respected. Less than a month ago, California’s legislature proposed a new bill (Assembly Bill 1130) that …
Massachusetts proposes a new data privacy law
Did you know that in our dear Commonwealth of Massachusetts it is illegal to scare a pigeon and that roosters are not allowed in bakeries? Always the lawyer, I ask: but what …